NETs Land and Countryside - Parks & Woodland Country Parks - Customer Survey
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Parks & Woodland monitors its visitor responses to ensure that opinions are considered when planning for the future. Please help us to improve our service to you by completing this survey. Thank you.

How many times have you visited the Country Parks this year?

Please detail the number

On your visits were you… (tick all that apply)

Please indicate how many people from your group fall into the following age categories

0-15 years 16-24 years 25-44 years 45-64 years 65 + years

How do you usually travel to the Parks?

Tick all that apply

If you have been here before, when was the last time you visited?

Please tick the activities and facilities that you have used on your visits:

How would you rate the management of the woodlands and open spaces?

Do you feel you are treated with fairness and sensitivity?

Overall how would you rate the service provided within Parks and Woodlands?

Do you have any other comments you would like to add?