Facilities Management - School Meal Survey 2024/25 - Primary Schools
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Facilities Management - The Catering team would like your comments on the school meals you receive at school.

Please state the name of your school?

Please state which class you are in?

What do you do for lunch on a school day (Monday to Thursday)?

How often do you have a school lunch?

If you have school meals what tray do you mostly choose?

What do you think of your school lunch?

Yes No Don't know

Tell us what you think about your dining area?

Yes No Don't know

Do you think everyone is treated the same way (fairly) when going for school lunches?

Overall, how would you rate your school lunch?

Please rate your experience with the service?

Have you learned about 'Healthy Eating' in class?

What is your favourite 'healthy food'?

Please list your favourite meal from our school menu.