Whitburn Town Walk Greening Project
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Through NatureScots Nature Restoration Fund (NRF) the West Lothian Council Parks & Woodland team are looking to enhance the Whitburn Town Walk and surrounding areas for nature and people through woodland management works, tree planting, unmown meadow areas and bulb planting.

You are now able to “Agree” or “Disagree” with the majority of proposals in order to finalise the design and seek costs for the works.
The proposals are shown below and described as follows:

A number of proposals have been drawn up for the community’s consideration:

• Unmown grass areas – There is a lot of short cut amenity grass throughout the walk. Some are used for recreation but many of the areas are not used for any purpose. Leaving specific areas unmown through the summer months enhances biodiversity by giving flowering plants and grasses a chance to grow which helps pollinators and many other animals. The suggested areas would be left to grow longer and then be cut in the late summer/autumn.

• New bulbs– Early flowering crocus, primrose and snowdrops are suggested in a number of areas to add colour but also enhance biodiversity.

• New trees – There are lots of opportunities throughout the Walk to plant additional trees. These will provide shelter from the wind and shade from the sun as well as habitat for birds, insects and mammals to source food and seek shelter. Trees also mitigate flooding and reduce soil erosion. All of these benefits, to wildlife and humans (known as ecosystem services) multiply with each tree planted whether grown as a single specimen or woodland group. Native tree species or trees with blossom, berries, nuts or seasonal interest will be chosen.

• Woodland planting or copses – Some of areas of woodland could be increased in size to incorporate a more diverse woodland edge. Trees that provide blossom, fruit, nuts or other seasonal interest will be used to increase the woodland area. There are also opportunities to plant small groups of trees, called copses. These provide stepping stone habitats for wildlife, providing food and shelter.

• Woodland Management / Thinning works – Many of the areas of woodland are now at a stage where they require felling or thinning. Thinning means removing some of the trees to allow the remaining trees to thrive. Woodlands need thinning overtime as trees begin to compete for space, light and nutrients. Thinning the trees allows for a more diverse woodland structure which benefits nature and helps strengthen the woodland against adverse weather. Any tree felling, aside from thinning works, will be replanted, where appropriate. Woodland Management works will avoid bird nesting season where possible. If it is not possible then an ecologist will survey the trees for nesting birds prior to works being carried out.

• Creation of ponds or raingardens – in places that form natural collecting areas and are often wet, there is an opportunity to create or enhance the wetland habitat. Ponds and wetlands can be a haven for wildlife, adding much value to urban spaces as well as providing a function by managing rainwater, helping to reduce flooding, reducing erosion and filtering water before it reaches rivers or bigger waterbodies. Safety of children and animals will be considered during the design process of any wetland areas.

Other works will include:
• Cutting back scrub vegetation such as dogwood and brambles, where needed.
• Removal of redundant rabbit fencing around old planting.
• Removal and replacement of any trees in very poor condition.

The implementation of any of the above proposals depends on costs being within budget. We are confident that most of the works will be possible, although may need to be phased over a number of years.

There will be opportunities for school pupils and members of the community to get involved with the tree and bulb planting. If you would like to be involved or to find out more please contact: Hannah.crow@westlothian.gov.uk

Three layout plans showing the above proposals are shown below: - Whitburn Town Walk East - Proposals

Three layout plans showing the above proposals are shown below: - Whitburn Town Walk East - Proposals

Whitburn South - Proposals

Whitburn South - Proposals

Whitburn Town Walk West - Proposals

Whitburn Town Walk West - Proposals

Please choose Agree or Disagree for each of the proposals below.

Unmown grass areas

Agree Disagree

Please choose Agree or Disagree for each of the proposals below.

New bulbs

Agree Disagree

Please choose Agree or Disagree for each of the proposals below.

New trees

Agree Disagree

Please choose Agree or Disagree for each of the proposals below.

Woodland planting or copses

Agree Disagree

Please choose Agree or Disagree for each of the proposals below.

Woodland Management / Thinning works

Agree Disagree

Please choose Agree or Disagree for each of the proposals below.

Creation of ponds, swales or raingardens

Agree Disagree

Do you want to explain any of your above responses?

Once the responses are considered, a cost for those items that the majority of the community agrees with will be obtained and, if all within budget, implemented on site during 2024/25-2025/26.